Interview – MY CITY – OTHERKIN


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Favourite bar/pub?

P. Macs, or Against the Grain. For me a good pub is all about selection and atmosphere, and these guys have it in spades. P. Macs would have clinched the top spot had they not made me leave last year for eating an SMS fish butty in one of their booths. The stench may well have been atrocious but the customer is always right, no?


Favourite restaurant?

Los Tapas De Lola, if I’m flush! Everyone likes tapas, that’s not up for debate, and Tapas De Lola do them better than anybody in the city. But if I can’t get and/or afford a table Dublin still has plenty of options. Cheap and cheerful in this city means burritos, and for me that’s Boojum.

Dublin’s best music venue?

Whelan’s. Couldn’t find a more intimate venue in Dublin to catch a show, and the buzz of playing one is surreal.

Most underrated suburb?

Clontarf. Fresh sea air, a 5-minute cab ride home from a midnight gig, and free mussels at low tide; if you’re willing to get your boots wet. They should seriously consider hiring me to do their tourism, can’t get enough of the place.


My favourite movie based in or about Dublin?

I Went Down. Possibly Ireland’s most underrated movie, but it gives a great glimpse into ‘90s city life. The Dublin scenes show a post-Commitments Dublin on the cusp of Celtic Tiger indulgence. There’s a Killer soundtrack from Dario Marianelli too, and a LiR number thrown in to cap it all off – Very Dublin.

Most annoying thing about Dublin?

The city and state’s inaction on the homeless and drug addiction crises, or maybe the lack of policing on the whole. Dublin is a beautiful place that has long been victim to lax policing and dithering policy on drug rehabilitation. People are suffering. The city needs a cleaning up, and this can only be done through POSITIVE governmental policy and policing.

Dublin’s ugliest building?

This is a tie between Liberty Hall and Central Bank for me – Absolute travesties of their time, and in no way reflective of this city’s energy and innovation. Liberty Hall would have had it in the bag only for Dublin City Council’s constant attempts to dress her up, I was a big fan of the Lockout memorial posters. But neither building really has a place in the city, best to just level the pair of them, rip the bandage clean off.

Favourite historical building?

Boland’s Mill. The facade on the canal is just deadly, I hope they don’t bottle the redevelopment.

My favourite street?

Wicklow street. Has a great pedestrian vibe, and solid choices on food and records.

The Spire, yay or nay?
NAY! We were better off with the “hoor in the sewer”, or whatever name you might have known poor Anna Livia Plurabelle by. The floozie represented Dublin’s history and culture better than any monument to heroin addiction ever could. I say, out with the stiletto!


Dublin’s best tourist attraction?
The Project Arts Centre. A great spot for catching young Irish talent and a testament to the city. Just watch out for‎ Oisín the surly barman!

Dublin cyclists, welcome or worrisome?

WELCOME! Expand the lanes; we have the opportunity to make this one of the most bike friendly cities in Europe. Have you been to Copenhagen? They’re cycle mad, and look how attractive the lot of them are. Oh my.

My favourite Dublin beach?

White Rock beach in Killiney has always been a personal favourite of mine. Grab your significant other(s) and go catch a sunrise or sunset here, it’s like a fairytale.

My favourite living Dublin personality and why?
Mattress Mick. He’s in the business of selling mattresses and busting out dirty raps, who else is playing that game?


The best music act to come out of Dublin in the last decade?
Dublin’s Squarehead are an absolutely raucous band. They’ve put out two killer LPs and have an unreal live show, total fangirl over here. I’m also listening to Me and My Dog and No Monster Club, this city is pure talent.

Dublin’s hidden gem?
La Hacienda off Capel Street is a real easter egg. The whitewashed Spanish walls really make it pop from the outside, but it’s nicely hidden away. Great spot for a catch up with old friends, or just a quiet pint.

Favourite dead Dubliner?
He may well have abandoned the city towards the end of his life but James Joyce was a baller.


Dublin should aspire to be more like (another city)…
Toronto. It’s a city very much on the level with Dublin, but with a slightly more liberal edge. I’d take everything but the humidity!  

Least favourite Dubliner (dead or alive)?

Éamon de Valera, what a toff.

The first place I would bring someone who hadn’t been to Dublin before?

I’d take them for a walk about the city. We’d grab a toastie in Mary’s Bar and Hardware, maybe something sweet to go from the Rolling Donut, but it’s the streets where the real craic would be found!

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